Sunday, March 2, 2014

20 Reasons to Start a Budget (1-5)

20 Reasons to Start a Budget

Have you ever sat across from your spouse in dead silence because you knew she was upset about money? You know, you made that purchase. She told you no - and now it's tornado season in your living room?

Or maybe you just keep wondering where the money's going. It feels like you got holes in your pockets.

Well there is a solution. It's simple. For the number nerds of the world, its a blast. 
For everyone else, its bearable. Over the next week I wanted to give some reasons why everyone should make a budget and stay with it. So if you are having a hard time getting motivated... here is a free pdf from Dave Ramsey and here are the first five reasons why you should budget:

Reason 1: Show me the money!

You need to see that money. You need to see the amounts leaving the bank that month and know where it's going. There is no Bermuda Triangle situated in your purse or wallet, but many of those small monthly charges, membership fees, snack runs - they add up to hundreds of dollars. So don't wait for the alerts from the bank that tell you money is leaving  - use a budget to see where it's going. 

Reason 2: To say hello not goodbye

Simple math can go a long way. Here's how it works - basically. You want more money in the bank than money leaving the bank. The only way you can manage that is with a budget. So say hello to your cash and stop sending it off in sad farewell parties.

Reason 3: Actually have some money to save

Once you accomplish Reason 2 - You want to start saving it. Honestly, if you don't save it then a new toy will entice you. You will buy that sucker and not be prepared for disaster. Saving some money will help you put some away for a rainy day. So build your umbrella - and occasionally play in the rain. Budget to save and occasionally spend.

Reason 4: Because it's easier than getting a tooth pulled

When I was a kid - I remember when I got my tooth tied to the doorknob. I felt so horrified at the prospect of this painful, unexpected experience. There was a fear that was looming over me. As I heard the "SLAM" and looked up I noticed my tooth was gone. I was going to score some money under the pillow. Well it's budget time - and it'll only be a small pain with a bigger reward. It may seem scary because you've never done it. You may think that it will ruin the stuff you do now, but the truth is its really scary to live paycheck to paycheck without a budget.

Reason 5: Because rich people do it (or pay someone to do it)

Rich people have portfolios and associates that all tell them where their money is going. They plan for investments. They forecast hard times and plan accordingly. HELLO - your money is like your mini-business. Run that punk like a business. Have some goals, investments, and plans. Sit down and make it work.


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